Beginning Spoon Carving

Starting on a new woodworking project, carving a spoon from some scrap in the workshop. I am not entirely sure what the wood is, I think soft maple. I started off by outlining the spoon shape, cutting out the blank and then using my single-sided hatchet to waste away much of the handle area. I used stop cuts with a backsaw to define the major handle-bowl transition area. Then broke out the drawknife to begin refining the handle and start roughing in the bowl.

I’m also using this project for a photo project, so should have some more high quality black-n-white photos to add. These are just some snaps with my iPhone.

Setting the studio camera

Setting the studio camera



And some I took with a speed light and umbrella.




Easing back into it

I’ve been away from my shop for a while, but took some time to sharpen a few plans, break out my gouges and start working on a project I began a long time ago, an archtop guitar.  Just some  top shaping, first using the gouge to get the general shape, then using two small planes to smooth the gouge marks out.  I will hopefully continue refining this top before I attempt the more challenging part–bending the sides and building the acoustic body.

Top, tools, shavings

Top, tools, shavings


52Rolls, week 6, 17th Century Carving

Joe's Photography Adventure

Since this same roll thematically has two major parts, night time shots in and around the center of my hometown, and the woodworking class I took learning 17th Century-style Carving, I thought it best to split the two up.  Here are the shots of other students and our instructor that I did not include in the posting.  I am very impressed with this film and was also surprised I got 38 shots out of a roll of 36.



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